Favorite Easter Memory
Comments Off on Favorite Easter MemoryApril 20, 2014 by paatk
This happened and I was there:

Jesus Colome and the Easter Bunny. An Easter miracle made in minor league heaven
(Security Service Field at Mile High).
On Easter Sunday 2011 the Easter Bunny threw out the first pitch for the Sky Sox game against the Las Vegas 51’s. Then, in the 8th inning, Jesus (Colome) came in to pitched for the Sox. A nice day at the ballpark had just become a near perfect day at the ballpark. Only near perfect because Jesus (Colome) got lit up pretty good, 1 inning, 3 hits, 3 runs all earned. The Sky Sox did cruise to a 10-4 victory, so Jesus’ imperfections did not cost the team and I got to see Jesus (Colome) and the Easter Bunny pitch on Easter. I am a very blessed man.
Category Colorado Springs Sky Sox, minor league baseball, Security Service Field at Mile High | Tags: Easter Bunny, Easter Sunday, Jesus Colome, Las Vegas 51's, miracles
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