Would you look who showed up at Security Service Field at Mile High on Saturday:
OMG! It’s John Elway!
He was there because his old college roommate at Stanford is Steve Buechele, the Round Rock Express manager.
Steve Buechele, left, is a friend of John Elway.
So, what’s the great John Elway do at a minor league baseball game you ask? You know, the usual, sit around all game eating copious amounts of sunflower seeds…
…drinking some High Quality H2O…
Water is just so damn refreshing.
…and checking his phone…
Nope. Says here we’re still losing the Super Bowl.
…and just shooting the shit with these two dudes (sorry. No idea who they are)
Yup. That’s John Elway. Just hanging out with a couple of his buds. (foot and cap in foreground do not belong to his buds)
Round Rock defeated the Sky Sox 16-12 in a game that didn’t last over 4 hours. Hope you enjoyed the game John!
Last night Sox pitcher Tyler Matzek gave up a grand slam to Round Rock’s Adam Rosales in the top of the 4th inning. The ball went a very long way and I wanted to get a reaction shot of the pitcher:
Tyler Matzek after giving up a four run homer in the 4th.
Not that great of a shot. No f-bombs. No shouting at the sky. Just a player knowing that if you go to a 3 ball count too many times you’re eventually going to pay for it.
Yup. That ball went a long, long ways.
In the last of the 3 frames I shot (below), I noticed the runner’s grin as Matzek is turning to get a new ball:
‘Heh, heh, heh…you gave up a grand slam. ‘Heh, heh, heh…
Dude. Dude! What a dick move (if that is what he was doing. It could be I just caught an odd facial expression and not a “heh, heh, heh” event. Photography can be like that. Derp moments, or odd expressions that mean nothing. But we’re going to assume it was a “heh, heh, heh” moment otherwise this would be a post with 3 pictures of a guy who gave up a home run and where’s the fun in that?).
Who is this evil man?
The problem is I don’t know who the guilty party is. Focused on Matzek I wasn’t counting the runners. Is it the hitter, Adam Rosales? It can’t be the first runner, Alex Buchholtz, and doubtful it was the second one, Chris Snyder, because the guy on 3rd, Buchholtz wouldn’t be trotting and Snyder had nothing to trot about (and unless both were walking really, really slowly they should have been home already). So, that leaves the player on 1st, Jared Hoying, or Rosales. Who is our dick? Help us out if you know. We’ll give an update after this afternoon’s game if we find out. Let’s stir this pot!
UPDATE – It was JARED HOYING! GUILTY! of something or not.
Look at that crowd! Security Service Field at Mile High is going to be hoppin’ tonight!
Yea! It’s finally here! The Sky Sox home opener is tonight. 1st pitch at 637pm. Forecast temperature for said 1st pitch, wait for it, 68 degrees! Yes! 68! And even by game’s end and the fireworks it’s still going to be in the high 50’s.
I’m so excited I could just burst! (And I ain’t even pitching tonight)
The rest of the weekend you ask? Saturday’s 137pm start, sweet! Mid-70’s! Sunday? Quiet you!
So, come out and enjoy some baseball on a perfect April night and stick around for the fireworks without the fear of ending up like Jack Torrance in The Shining.
April baseball in Colorado? Not yet my friend. Not yet.
Congrats to Christian Friedrich! You are the leader in the clubhouse for the 2014 Head Shot of the Year!
Damn! That’s a happy man!
This one is almost on par with the all-time great Edgar Gonzalez pic:
El Glacier! Es numero uno!
Why is Edgar’s better? This was the pose for all 3 head shots I took. He was asked if he wanted to change it and he said he like this one. Friedrich took 2 normal ones and tossed this one in afterwords.
But that’s okay Christian. You’re a lefty and lefties mean these kind of shots.
The Colorado Springs Sky Sox have their home opener on Friday, April 11th against the Round Rock Express. Game time is 635pm. Head on out to Security Service Field at Mile High and enjoy some decent weather April baseball. You know, before the field freezes and that old East Wind comes a torquing the ball again.
And here is your 2013 winning shot of Charlie Blackmon (currently tearing it up with the Rockies):