This Is Ed

This is Ed. Ed works for the Sky Sox.

09_05_001edsm_pkEd kinda looks stoned. Ed’s not stoned. Ed’s just Ed.

If you see Ed, say “HEY ED!” He’ll probably say “hey” back to you. Ed is like that.

Home Run Derp

Matt Dominguez hit a home run in the 1st inning of tonight’s game against Omaha (Sox are getting crushed 8-1 after 7) and came back to the dugout with this look plastered on his face:

09_03_015sm_pkMatt Dominguez and Matt Long share a “moment”.

09_03_015csm_pkDerp it up Matty! Derp it up good!

Shin Bone Connected To The Foul Ball

Matt Clark fouled one off his shin bone tonight:

Sox fall to Omaha 4-3Yup. Fouled it off his shin alright.

Sox fall to Omaha 4-3Looks kinda painful and stuff.

Sox fall to Omaha 4-3That’s the ticket. All Better now.

Sox fell to Omaha 4-3 on Dog Night, and many dogs were sad.

Sox fall to Omaha 4-3A man in a giant rat suit taunts a bunch of dogs on Dog Night.

 And now I leave you with this: