just like every possession in the all star game.
Watched a bit of the NBA All-Star Dunk Extravaganza thingy this weekend. Why? Um, cause it was on? This thing has become as bad as the Pro Bowl. So this is how I felt about the weekend (the guy with the camera is the NBA and I am the guy in the 3rd shot down):

Do you like basketball? Yeah? Well then, you’re really going to hate this!

So, it sucked. But at least there was a weekend full of awesome Olympic hockey games to watch! And the NRL Auckland Nines were sweet! And the Aussie Rules preseason is underway! And MLB Spring camps are opening! And football is only 6+ months away!

Oh, and how about them Nuggets?! Good to see they quit before the season even started to spare our hopes getting dashed in the playoffs again.